low angle view of spiral staircase

November 2024 Meeting Minutes

City Department Representatives

  • Martin Fields: No major updates. There is a new clinic that is looking to open in the building at 10th and Emerson. (More info below in the Near Eastside update).
  • Mayor’s Office: No updates.
  • Michigan Street Construction: No major updates. They are working to finish paving. Things will switch likely in spring or summer 2025.
    • Q1: There was a request by a resident about putting in extra signage to inform people that the bike lanes are for bikes only. The representative has noted it. Because other residents have noted that people, especially turning on from Michigan, have turned right into the bike lane. He can’t make promises but they will discuss internally to come up with solutions. Will bring back some updates for our next meeting. What they can do in the next couple weeks is to get some of the barricades up to help this in the interim.
    • Q2:  Asked if anything would be planted. Nothing planned. There will be mulching.
    • Q3: At some of the streets, there is no where for water to go. He explained there are some areas that hold water, so they will prioritize curb ramps, etc., to help alleviate these issues. Where they can’t be fixed with grade changes and asphalt, they will try but can only do what they have funding for. If we have any complaints, bring to the next meeting and he will share those complaints and recommendations. Long term, there is a plan with KIB to come plan. 

Guest Speaker: Keep Indianapolis Beautiful (KIB)


Stone Zadrozny

Overview of KIB

Supports more than 800 projects. Envision spaces wand needs for those spaces with those neighbors. From cleaning up public spaces to tree planting, they are there to assist. Your partner for a greener and cleaner city. 

Origins: Started in 1976 as the “Indianapolis Clean City Committee” and in 1981 became a non-profit organization separate from the city. But they are contracted with the city. 


  • Adopt a block
  • Habitat restoration
  • Tree planting
  • Community Forestry Program

All projects are application-based and anyone can send them in (i.e., water, mulching, pruning, replacing, etc.) and they manage for three years before it is passed off to DPW. 

Greenspace Projects

They build 3-4 greenspaces each year where people can meet. 


They have a waterway engagement coordinator that started, which is great for community groups which is helpful. 

Clean Neighborhoods Department

Has different programs like “Great Indy Cleanup,” “Adopt a Block,” etc., where they work with neighbors to clean up public spaces. One million pounds of litter is picked up each year. You can request trashbags, dumpsters, etc. from April through October. Additionally, they can assist with media resources to spread word about events. 


Each gets buckets, gloves, trashbags, after signing up via application – for a two-year commitment. Those are invited to captain meetings. Also receive free perennials and trees if a part of. Three block captains are needed for a $500 grant which would have everything needed for a community. It is a reimbursement grant. Volunteers can specify the areas on what they are going to do. Questions or suggestions, email Summer. 

Flogging Events 

They have projects where you jog and pick up litter as a way to be active. It was an activity started in Sweden. They have one a month in the spring and fall that you can sign up for. 

Other volunteer projects

  1. Ambassadors: Promote KIB’s mission, brand awareness

Tree Tenders: Volunteers for day-of tree plantings who are very involved to ensure all is done properly. Also do youth enrichment activities. Youth is for high school students. 

  1. Urban Naturalist; More for habitats, not for everyone but all the people that go through it enjoy it. 


For projects in a neighborhood, is there someone who helps plan? Yes, there are. With the Great Indy Clean-Up, they have “Focus Neighborhoods” that you can apply for and they can help you plan, gather resources, 

2. If an agency, potentially around earth day, would like to create a project, who should they reach out to? Clean neighborhoods project. 

Updates on Grants From the Fundraising Committee

Grant #2, INRC/NGP Grant: Columns and Signs (Mariam)
  • Lead: Mariam
  • Update: Call for volunteers to put up street signs
Grant #3, INRC/ICBI $1,500 Grant
  • Lead: Heather
  • Update: No new updates
Grant #4, INRC/NGP Grant Round 5
  • Signal Box Painting and additional efforts
  • Denied, but under consideration for allocation of left over funds from this year’s returned grant money.  No update.

Upcoming Events

  • Elections will be coming up for president, vice president, secretary, etc., positions up. The secretary position is open.

General Questions

  • Is anything being done about stop signs? Mariam is starting a traffic calming committee. 

EHCO Accomplishments

  • The Halloween Contest completed successfully and winners have been given Emerson Heights shirts and signs as prizes.
  • Spayed and neutered 20 cats through the Indy Neighborhood Cats project

Historic Tax Credits (info on EHCO website)

  • Reminder: If you are making significant improvements to your house ($10,000 or more in costs) consider applying for Historic Tax Credits early in your planning phase or before!  You could receive tax credits equal to 20% of the cost of the project. 

Newsletter Update – Mariam Alam

Additional volunteers are needed to “deepen the bench” and be called on when the regulars aren’t able. 

Treasurer’s Report – Tess Mangine 

$1237 in our account

NESCO Report – Tess Mangine 

We’ve requested an agenda to call in the next meeting.

Updates on the Near East Side – Kevin Sweetland

The place that is looking to go into the space at Emerson and 10th is Better Way Outreach, a locally owned non-profit care facility. 

Social Media – Heather Keeney

Additional Notes and Recommendations

Resident recommended to have the community calendar at the top of the page and always at the top of the feed and say “if you’re interested in upcoming events, go to this link.” Someone mentioned that would be helpful to have additional groups info on the calendars.